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CrossFit – Mon, Apr 15

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    2 Rounds Each w/Empty Bar

    *Alternate w/Partner In Wall Sit

    5 Bradford Press

    5 Front Squats

    5 Push Press

    5 Good Mornings

    5 Burpees Over Bar

    Push Press (Weight)

    Every 0:45 x 10

    3 Push Press For Speed

    [Alternating w/Partner in Same interval]

    Take Barbell from Floor

    Barbell Should no exceed 60% of Max

    WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

    3:00 AMRAP / 3:00 Rest x 4

    1 Power Clean [85/135lbs]

    2 Strict Pull Up

    3 American KB Swings

    4 Bar Facing Burpees

    *Pick up where you leave off for rounds and reps

    **Final 3:00 is AMRAP – Bike for Calories – Separate Score see Below

    RX+ [135/205lbs] [Bar Muscle Ups] [53/70] [Echo]

    3:00 AMRAP (Calories)

    Bike for Calories