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CrossFit – Mon, Apr 29

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    On 0:20 Work / 0:05 Transition Timer

    x 15

    Bar Dead Hang

    Air Squat

    Hollow Hold

    Bradford Press

    Push Press (Weight)

    Every 0:45 x 16

    Odd Minutes

    3 Push Press For Speed

    Even Minutes

    3 Seated Box Jumps for Box Height

    Take Barbell from Rack This Week

    Barbell Should no exceed 70% of Max Push Press

    WOD (Checkmark)

    EMOM x 20

    1] 10/12 Cal Bike

    2] 2-3 Rope Climbs

    3] 12-16 DB Box Step Ups [20″]

    4] 10-15 Toes To Rings

    **This could get grippy for some athletes, If so, Box Step Ups with Single DB on Shoulder is a good


    Groups of 4 for Space and Rope access