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CrossFit – Mon, May 20

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    2:00 Machine Of Choice

    2 Rounds

    10 Scap Push Ups

    3-5 Yoga Push Ups

    20 Banded Pull Aparts

    Core Accessory (No Measure)

    2 Rounds

    1:00 Max Reps Ab-mat Sit Ups /

    GHD Sit Ups

    [Rest 0:30]

    1:00 Side Plank Per Side [Forearm]

    [Rest 0:30]

    1:00 Alternating Bicep Curl w/Iso Hold

    [Rest 0:30]

    WOD (AMRAP – Reps)

    3 Sets

    3:00 Work / 3:00 Rest on Bike

    9/12 Cal Row

    12 Hand Release Push Ups

    7/10 Cal Row

    AMRAP DB Bench IRT


    12/15 Cal Ski

    15 Hand Release Push Ups

    8/10 Cal Ski

    AMRAP Ring Dips IRT
    No Banded Ring Dips, choose DB Bench

    Space for 8 Athletes to Ski and 8 to Row

    Moderate Bench Press Weight -Something you can

    do at least 10 reps while fatigued

    Extra Credit (No Measure)

    4 Sets

    12/12 Single Leg DB Romanian Deadlifts [2020 Tempo]

    30 Air Squats As FAST as possible

    1:00 Wall Sit

    Rest as needed between sets

    No Breaks between movements