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CrossFit – Sun, Jun 9

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)

    Strict Pull Ups (5 Rounds for reps)

    EMOM x 10

    1] 2 Strict Weighted Pull Ups + Max Strict Pull Ups [-2]

    2] 12-15 Banded Face Pulls


    1] 3 Strict Pull Ups [or banded] + Max Ring Rows [-2]

    2] 12-15 Banded Face Pulls

    – Ensure you are leaving 2 reps in the tank on Strict Pull Ups or Ring Rows

    – Pair up and Alternate with Partner
    – Score is Pull Ups/Ring Rows over 5 Rounds, write weight for the 2 Reps in Comments

    WOD (AMRAP – Reps)

    EMOM x 25

    1] Max Reps Double Unders

    2] Max Reps Cal Row

    3] Max Reps Jumping Squats

    4] Max Reps Goblet Squats

    5] Rest

    Add 0:05 of Work Each Round

    Starting at

    Round 1 – 0:20

    Round 2 – 0:25

    Round 3 – 0:30

    Round 4 – 0:35

    Round 5 – 0:40