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CrossFit – Sat, Jun 22

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Barbell Warm Up w/Coach (No Measure)

    Snatch (Weight)

    Pause Squat Snatch

    In a 0:45 Window – Find Challenging 3 Reps w/2 Second Pause

    at Knee on Each rep

    – Sub Hang Power Snatch, Low Hang Power Snatch, Power Snatch if Squat Snatch is not on todays menu

    – Clock will run for 0:45 Intervals for 18 Rounds, take as many

    rounds as needed to load bar/rest

    WOD (3 Rounds for reps)

    Teams of 2

    3:30 Work / 3:30 Rest x 3

    One Athlete working for 3:30, then Switch and Restart AMRAP

    8 Box Jump Overs [20/24″]

    8 Alternating DB Snatch

    1 Bar Muscle Up / Burpee Pull Up

    8 Box Jump Overs

    8 Alternating DB Snatch

    2 Bar Muscle Ups / Burpee Pull Up

    8 Box Jump Overs

    8 Alternating DB Snatch

    3 Bar Muscle Ups / Burpee Pull Up

    Bar Muscle Ups / Burpee Pull Up Increase By 1

    DB Snatch – Open Weights