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CrossFit – Thu, Jul 4

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    Group Stretch


    0:15 Work/0:15 Rest x 12

    Scap Pull Up

    Scap Push Up

    Hollow Hold

    Beat Swing

    Pull Ups (3 Rounds for weight)


    Weighted Pull Up

    1 Rep for Max Load

    3 Reps for Max Load

    5 Reps for Max Load

    – Find 1RM, 3RM and 5RM


    6 Sets

    AMRAP – 1 – Band Assisted Strict Pull Up

    [Rest until fully recovered]

    Bench Press

    1-2 Warm Up Sets

    3 Sets of 6 Reps [Building]

    [Rest 2:00 – 3:00]

    Last set should be 9/10 RPE with only 1 Rep in the tank

    Accessory (No Measure)

    3 Sets

    40 Wall or Box Facing Shoulder Taps

    [Rest 1:00]

    3-9 Wall Walks

    [Rest 1:00]

    12-16 Kipping Handstand Push Ups AFAP


    16-20 HR Push Ups AFAP

    [Rest 2:00]