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SWEAT – Mon, Jul 1


    • Additional ‘Toes to Bar’ and ‘Ring Muscle Up’ Work has been added to be done if you wish, outside of class time. Even if you have these movements, these progressions will help refine the skills to be more efficient and increase the capacity of them. They are posted on Monday and Tuesday under Skill/Additional Work [When clicking Crossfit/Sweat etc option on WOD page]

    Train West Van – SWEAT

    Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)

    Tabata Bike, Row or Ski- 10 Seconds hard | 20 Seconds Easy x 8

    15 Seconds On | 15 Seconds Off x 10

    -Inch Worms

    -Banded Press

    -Seated Hip Rotations

    -Box Step Ups

    -Supine Twist Rotations

    Workout (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

    3 Min On | 2 Min Off x 3

    -15 Cal Ski

    -25 Sit Ups

    -AMRAP Devil Press in remaining time


    3 Min On | 2 Min Off x 3

    15 Cal Row

    20 DB Push Press

    AMRAP Burpee Box Jump Overs.
    You can partner up with someone to make sure not too much equipment is out. If you do, you will not switch back and forth between each of the workout sections, complete 3 full sets on One workout and then you will switch to the other.

    *you can do the BBJO laterally or if needing to save space, it will be Burpee to Bar.