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CrossFit – Wed, Jul 3


    • Additional ‘Toes to Bar’ and ‘Ring Muscle Up’ Work has been added to be done if you wish, outside of class time. Even if you have these movements, these progressions will help refine the skills to be more efficient and increase the capacity of them. They are posted on Monday and Tuesday under Skill/Additional Work [When clicking Crossfit/Sweat etc option on WOD page]

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)

    Squat Clean + Shoulder to Overhead (3 Rounds for reps)


    1:30 Squat Clean Thrusters

    – 1:30 Rest – [Athlete B]

    – 0:30 Barbell Change –

    1:30 Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk

    – 1:30 Rest – [Athlete B]

    – 0:30 Barbell Change –

    1:30 Squat Clean and Jerk

    – 1:30 Rest – [Athlete B]

    Barbell should be Approx – 60% – 70% – 80% of 1RM Clean and Jerk.

    None competitive athletes ensure the weight starts at 6/10 RPE and we build from there

    The last round you should only be getting 4-6 Reps MAX

    WOD (Time)

    Teams of 2

    3 Sets Each [Alt Full Sets]

    8/10 Cal Bike

    10 DB Front Squats

    20 Bodyweight Walking Lunges


    3 Sets Each [Alt Full Sets]

    8/10 Cal Bike

    10 DB Front Rack Walking Lunges

    15 Air Squats [AFAP]

    AFAP = As Fast As Possible

    RX+ = 35/50lbs

    Extra Credit (No Measure)

    3 Sets

    1:00 Seated Compression

    Seated Pike Compression

    [1:00 Rest]

    3 Sets

    0:40 Max Knee Bent Hollow Rocks

    [Rest 0:30]

    0:40 Plank [Forearms]

    [Rest 0:30]

    1:00 Max V-Ups

    [2:00 Rest]