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CrossFit – Thu, Jul 18

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    0:20/0:05 x 8

    Banded Good Morning

    Hand Release Push Up

    Hollow Hold

    Arch Hold

    Deadlift (Weight)

    3RM Hand Release Deadlift

    Bench Press (Weight)

    1-2 Warm Up Sets

    3 Sets of 6 Reps [Building]

    [Rest 2:00 – 3:00]

    MUST be 2111 Tempo

    Final Set – 9/10 RPE with only 1 Rep in the tank

    Accessory (2 Rounds for time)

    2 Attempts at :

    Bar or Ring Chin Up Hold for

    Max Duration

    L-Sit on Paralletes for Max Duration

    – Establish challenging positions but that will allow long hold attempts

    – This can be Tucked L-Sit, Higher Paralletes and Ring Or Chin Up over bar hold

    Extra Credit (Weight)

    For Time and Quality

    400m KB Suitcase Carry

    – Switch Arms Every 100m

    – Do not run…