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CrossFit – Fri, Oct 4

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    3:00 Machine Of Choice

    2 Rounds

    3-5 Beat Swings

    0:10 Ring Support / Ring Rocks

    0:15 Hollow Hold

    5 Hand Release Push Ups

    10 Lunges w/Overhead Reach


    Demo Progressions and Pair Up if needed

    WOD (Checkmark)

    3 Rounds For Quality

    50 Air Squats

    0:20 Ring Support Hold

    12 Piked Strict Handstand Push Ups

    12 Chest To Bar Pull Ups

    24 DB Push Press

    24-30 V-Ups

    Rest – 400m EASY Run

    Time to Work on Gymnastics Skill

    Make sure this is for Quality, Deep Upright Air Squats

    Pike Body up to challenging Position for HSPU

    Use Minimal band assistance that you must break up sets for Chest To Bar Pull Ups or Challenging Ring Rows. Tough Weight for Push Press

    WOD (3 Rounds for time)


    – Choose this option if you can do the movements with full ROM, drop numbers as needed – Talk to coach if unsure

    3 Sets

    1000m C2 Bike

    8 Muscle Ups

    12 Strict Handstand Push Ups

    16 Chest To Bar Pull Ups

    24 Kipping Handstand Push Ups

    32 GHD Sit Ups / Anchored Med Ball Sit Ups

    4:00 Rest Between Sets on Machine