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CrossFit – Thu, Nov 30


    Hey Everyone First up, Huge thank you for getting us up and running on our new system, we hope you are enjoying its ease of use and interface

    The CrossFit Games Open is fast approaching at the end of February, and we are lucky that we have so many of you amazing athletes that will look to participate. We have a number of athletes that already enter competitions and some first timers, all who will be likely looking for a little extra work to perhaps build on skills and their engine in time for Feb/March.

With that said, after a few requests, I have and will be adding in 2 Extra sessions per week under ‘Open/Competitor Extras’ programming track which I have added everyone access to. 
THIS IS NOT A COACHED CLASS. Just a way of adding in programming options to be done outside of class time. 7:30 the gym will be closed as normal

    Please note, this is ONLY for those of you who feel mostly recovered week to week, if you feel sore more often than not, do not add in any extra. CrossFit programming only works when athletes RECOVER from training, keep this in mind.

    Our current programme pulls from years and years of CrossFit experience, and moves through constant variance [whether this be Conjugate lifting, Various lifting cycles from Moderate to Intense, Competitor style training, Skill progression and Classic CrossFit Couplets, Triplets] and is more than enough to get very very fit, but for those of you wishing to compete, optional sessions are now there.

    They will be posted for Wednesday and Friday, but can be completed any days.

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    2:00 Machine of Choice or 400m Run

    Group Dynamic Stretch w/Coach

    WOD (6 Rounds for time)

    Every 5:00/6:00 x 6 [Alternating]

    400m Run

    21 Wallballs [14/20]

    12 Burpee Pull Ups

    450/500m Row

    21 Wallballs [14/20]

    12 Burpee Over Erg
    Target time is <4:00
    **Class will be running clock, modify to every 6:00 if needed

    Accessory (No Measure)

    3 Sets

    0:30 Ring Isometric Hold or Ring Dips [Rest 0:30]

    20 V-Ups

    [Rest 0:30]

    10 Single Arm DB Upright Row Light/side

    [Rest 0:30]