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CrossFit – Wed, Jan 17

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)

    Strict Press (Weight)

    Every 2:00 x 6 [Alternating]

    Odd: – 8 Strict Press

    Every Rep – Pause at Shoulder and Overhead

    Even :- 6/6 Single Leg Bulgarian

    Split Squat with DB’s or KB’s in

    Farmers Hold
    Make note of Split Squat Weight for future weeks

    TWV Combine (AMRAP – Reps)

    Athletes can do in any order

    and rest as needed between attempts

    1] Max Watts on Echo Bike

    2] 5 Rep Max Hang DB Snatch / Arm

    3] Max Watts on Row Erg

    4] Max Time Bar Hang

    5] 2 Attempts Max Unbroken Push Ups
    Score – Add up Watts Scores + DB Snatch + Time in Seconds on Bar + Push Ups

    Add breakdown in the comments

    Recommend 2 Attempts at Watts tests and a warm up set for each of the other movements