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CrossFit – Tue, Feb 13

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    Hip Warm Up w/Coach

    Mobilization / Leg Swings / Monster Walks / Good Mornings

    Box Squat (Weight)

    Every 2:00 x 8 Sets

    3 Reps @ Heavier than Last week

    Ensure you can still control eccentric ALL the way to the box

    Strict Press (Weight)

    Every 1:45 x 8 [Alternating]

    Odd :- 8/8 Front Foot Elevated

    Split Squat with DBs

    and 12 Toe Elevated RDLs

    Even :- 2 Strict Press +

    7 Push Press

    and 15 Banded Tricep Extensions

    *aim for 5-10lbs Heavier
    Strict Press Weight for Score

    Accessory (No Measure)

    3 Sets

    10 DB Upright Rows

    30 Band Pull Aparts

    15 Half Push Ups

    [Superset w/minimal break]