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CrossFit – Fri, Feb 16

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    20 PVC/Dowel Passovers

    200m Run

    20 PVC/Dowel Passovers

    Barbell Warm Up W/Coach

    Snatch (Weight)

    Every 1:00 x 10

    1 Segmented Snatch Pull

    1 Hang Snatch

    2 Overhead Squats

    Keep Barbell Light – No Misses

    Segment Snatch Pull

    A lot of new lifters in classes lately.

    Opt for Powers for Newer Lifters

    yet to gain ROM for Squat Snatch

    WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

    AMRAP 17:00

    20 Pull Ups

    30 Hang DB Snatch

    40 Wallballs

    400m Run

    RX+= Chest To Bar Pull Ups 35/50lb DB

    Goal is 3 Rounds +

    Ensure Pull Up progression and Weights match this aim

    Switch sides on Hang Snatch anytime but keep it even