Train West Van – CrossFit
Deadstop 5-5-5-5-5-5
Between Sets – Perform 15 Banded Pull Throughs
[Rest 2:00 between sets]
As with Tuesday, keep the intensity lower post Open
Newer athletes use this time to focus on perfecting position, this can
be done through risers or adjusting position to match athletes limb length
Warm Up (No Measure)
25 Bent Over Banded Rows
5 Vertical Jumps [Easy]
25 Plank Walks
5 Vertical Jumps [High]
25 Banded Good Mornings
Accessory (No Measure)
4 Sets
15-20 Banded Reverse Hyper on GHD
[1:00 Rest]
15 Cable Push Downs [Straight Arms]
[1:00 Rest]
15/15 Bench Supported DB Rows
[1:00 Rest]
Accumulate 100 Heavy Band Good Mornings in as few sets as possible