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CrossFit – Fri, Aug 16

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    Clean and Jerk Warm Up w/Coach

    Back Squat (AMRAP – Reps)

    4 Sets

    Set 1 – 8 Reps @ 65%

    Set 2 – 6 Reps @ 75%

    Set 3 – 4 Reps @ 85%

    Set 4 – Max Reps @ 90% [AMRAP -1]

    [Rest as needed]

    – If sore/tired, drop %’s by 10

    Power Clean and Jerk (Weight)

    Every 0:30 for 12 Sets

    1 Power Clean and Jerk

    [Start at 45% and build

    every 3 reps to 65%]

    – Focus is on speed today

    Accessory (No Measure)

    2-3 Sets

    10.10.10 Bulgarian Split Squat

    Pulse / per leg

    [Rest 0:10 at top with knee

    slightly bent between sets]

    [Rest 1:00]

    10 RNT Banded Overhead Squats

    [Slow and Controlled]

    [Rest 1:00]



    Extra Credit (No Measure)

    2 Sets

    5 Ring Dips [Weighted if possible]

    Max Effort Hold at Lock Out

    [Rest 2:30]