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CrossFit – Mon, Jul 15

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    200m Run

    2 Rounds

    10 Scap Push Ups

    10 Band Passovers

    20 Band Pull Aparts

    Ring Dips (Weight)

    Technique + Progression Review –

    RX+ Athletes, Warm Up

    Every 1:00 x 8

    5 Ring Dips @ Challenging Progression

    [Alternate w/Partner]


    8:00 to Build to 3RM Weighted Dip

    Strict Handstand Push Ups (AMRAP – Reps)

    Every 1:00 x 6

    5 SHSPU @ Challenging Progression

    [Alternate w/Partner off Box/Wall]

    [ Full Pause at bottom – no bouncing]


    2:00 Warm Up

    AMRAP 4:00

    Strict Handstand Push Ups

    WOD (Time)

    4 Rounds for Time

    400m Run

    24/30 Cal Bike


    400m Run

    24/30 Cal Row

    We Tested this 8 Weeks ago –

    Ensure we are trying to use the same

    Bike/Row combo. Not the end of the world if not.

    Extra Credit (Weight)

    Build to

    3RM Barbell Hip Thrust