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CrossFit – Mon, Sep 2

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Barbell Warm Up w/Coach (No Measure)

    Snatch Complex (Weight)

    12:00 to Build to Heavy Complex

    3 Snatches [Any Style]

    2 Overhead Squats

    1 Hang Squat Snatch

    – This is a Re-Test from Mon Jul 22nd

    WOD (Time)

    – Staggering w/ partner sharing

    – Faster Athlete First

    3 Rounds

    200m Run

    15 Wallballs [14/20lbs]

    15 Power Snatches [55/75lbs]

    15 Toes To Bar

    11/15 Cal Bike

    [Rest 1:30]

    – This is a Re-Test from Mon Jul 22nd

    – If not able to cycle 55/75lbs in less than 2 sets, Use Dumbbell

    – Stagger by 200m Run

    – Aim for 90% effort on first 2 rounds, and 100% on final round

    – Score is total time including the rest