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CrossFit – Mon, Sep 9

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Squat Mobility/Activation w/Coach (No Measure)

    Back Squat

    5 Reps @ 70%

    5 Reps @ 80%

    3 Reps @ 85%

    1 Rep @ 90%+

    1 Rep @ 90%+

    1 Rep @ 90%+

    – If tired, take 10% off all the reps

    WOD (Time)

    Teams of 2

    – Divide Work Evenly

    – One Athlete Working at a time

    64 V-Ups

    42 KB Swings

    6 Rope Climbs

    30 KB Swings

    4 Rope Climbs

    18 KB Swings

    2 Rope Climbs

    RX+= Ski Cals and Legless Rope Climbs

    – Only Ski if you can Complete WOD with Legless Rope Climbs

    – Sub 5 Strict Pull Ups for Every Rope Climb

    Extra Credit (No Measure)

    EMOM x 12

    1] 4-6 Band Assisted Chest To Bar Pull Ups

    2] 8-10 Arch Body Pulls

    3] Max Inverted Barbell Row
