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CrossFit – Thu, Apr 25

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    30 Mini Band Pull Aparts

    30 PVC/Dowel Passovers

    30 Cossack Squats



    Overhead Squat

    From Rack w/Partner or Partners

    9 Reps @ Light Weight

    7 Reps @ Increased Weight

    5 Reps @ Increased Weight

    Waves Example –

    9 Reps @ 55lbs – 7 Reps @ 75lbs – 5 Reps @ 95lbs

    9 Reps @ 75lbs – 7 Reps @ 95lbs – 5 Reps @ 115lbs

    Sub DB Overhead Lunge / Side

    Aim is to get to 5 at the weight you hit for 3 in previous OHS Session

    WOD (Time)

    3 Sets Each for Times

    [Alternate w/Partner]

    100m Run

    10-15-20 Deadlifts

    Partner not working – in Wall Sit

    3 Sets Each for Times

    [Alternate w/Partner]

    100m Run

    10-15-20 Lateral Burpees Over Bar

    Partner not working – Holding Farmers Carry
    Score is Total Time

    Aim today is to sprint that 100m and

    get back to the work on the barbell/burpees immediately.

    Deadlift weight should be

    something you think you can move for 20 without breaking. Try to not step any burpees