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Home » News » CrossFit – Thu, Jan 4

CrossFit – Thu, Jan 4

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    0:20 Work / 0:10 Rest x 10

    Scap Swimmers

    Wall Overhead Stretch

    Barbell Hang Clean and Press

    Hollow Hold

    Arch Hold

    Pull Ups (No Measure)

    Kipping Practice

    Whole Group in flow

    Every 0:30 x 6

    1] 4 Beat Swings

    2] 4 Wall Hip Extension

    [Open hips before feet hit wall]

    Every 0:30 x 6

    1] 4 Beat Swings [Larger if possible]

    2] 3 Jumping Pull Ups w/3111 tempo or 1 Strict Pull Up + 3 Second Hold

    Every 1:00 x 8

    1] Beat Swing + Pull Up

    or 1 Pull Over [Comp]

    2] 1 Hang Power Clean [Building]

    WOD (3 Rounds for calories)

    3:00 Work / 3:00 Rest x 3

    60 Double Unders

    8 Hang Power Cleans

    16 Toes To Bar

    AMRAP Cal Row

    – Fitness 80/115

    – Comp 115/165
    Get into pairs to share bar – Enough time to add or take off weight