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CrossFit – Thu, Sep 26

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    2:00 Machine Of Choice

    20 Shoo the Chickens

    20 Straight Leg High Kicks

    20 Walking Lunges w/ Thoracic Reach

    10-20 Scap Pull Ups

    w/Pause at End ROM

    10-20 Scap Push Ups

    w/Pause at End ROM

    Deadlift (Weight)

    Block Deadlift – Above Knee

    4 Sets of

    6-8 Reps

    [8/10 RPE for All Sets]

    [2:00 Rest between]

    – Set up with Blocks or Mats

    Upper (AMRAP – Rounds)

    5:00 To Establish Challenging Pull Up

    Set up – Lowest possible help or hard resistance

    EMOM x 12-15

    1] 3 Weighted Pull Ups

    2] 9 Dumbbell Bench Press

    3] 12-15 Hand Release Burpees To Bar


    15-20 Banded Tricep Extensions [Thicker band]

    4] Rest

    – Stagger with Partner(s)

    – Hand Release Burpees if you feel like you want a bit of cardio today

    RX+ = Try to Build to 3RM on 3rd

    Extra Credit (No Measure)

    3 Sets

    Max Strict HSPU for 1:00 OR

    Max Push Ups

    [Rest 0:15-0:30]

    5 Wall Walks [Add Plate if proficient]

    [Rest 2:00]