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CrossFit – Tue, Apr 23

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    0:20 Work / 0:05 Rest x 12

    Hollow Hold

    Banded Strict Press

    Plank to Toe Touch

    Air Squat

    Push Press (Weight)

    Every 0:45 x 8

    [Alternating w/Partner in Same interval]

    3 Push Press For Speed

    Use Body as Spring, Heels stay down throughout, drive hard through

    legs and push head through

    Take barbell from floor

    Barbell Should no exceed 65% of Max Push Press

    Handstand Hold (Time)

    Holding Handstand against Wall

    Accumulate 3:00 Full minutes

    Rest as needed between sets


    Handstand Hold from Box

    Accumulate 4:00 Full minutes

    Rest as needed between sets

    WOD (AMRAP – Reps)

    1:00 Work / 1:00 Rest x 6

    7 Clean and Jerks

    Max Cal Bike IRT

    Weight should Be something to be done Unbroken

    Alternate with a partner using same barbell and bike

    RX+ = 95/135lbs / Echo Bike

    Extra Credit (No Measure)

    100 Banded Tricep Extensions in as few sets as possible