Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
400m Run [Weather permitting]
Shoulder Openers w/Coach
WOD (No Measure)
In Waterfall Format [3-4 Athletes]
3 Sets
450/500m Ski
50-100 Double Unders
5-10 Wall Walks
25 V-Ups / 25 GHD Sit Ups
– 2:00 Row Recovery –
3 Sets
900/1000m C2 Bike
60 Crossover Single Unders
4-7 Wall Walks
20 Sit Ups / 20 Toes To Bar
– 2:00 Row Recovery –
Set up Room to flow down the gym going from movement to movement. C2 Bike and Ski Ergs at one end, Rowers at the other. Move GHD if needed for a team wishing to use it.
Skill acquisition and improvement day. Those of you who have all these skills under fatigue should push the pace a bit but keep it sustainable.
Accessory [Time permitting] (No Measure)
3 Sets for Quality
0:30 / 0:30 Single Arm Plank [NOT Side plank]
0:30 Hollow Rock
0:30 Arch Rock
Extra Credit (No Measure)
Strict HSPU / Strict Deficit HSPU 2/3″
2 Sets of Max Effort
[Rest 2:00 between]
6 Sets of Max Effort
[Rest 1:00 between only]