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CrossFit – Tue, Jul 23

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)


    Band Passovers

    Band Pull Aparts – Hold 2 Seconds at extension

    Banded Push Ups

    Bench Press

    Build to a Tough Single for the Day

    WOD (Time)

    Row/Burpee Test

    10 Rounds for Time [22:00 Cap]

    12/15 Cal Row

    15 Burpees To Bar

    [Ski 7/10 Cals]

    [C2 Bike 12/15 Cals]

    – Like our Run/Bike Test, ensure we are keeping the same type of machine for the retest – note your score and machine used in Wodify

    – 150 Burpees and 120/150 Cal Row, ensure are keeping an accurate track for retesting and take a note of your average Cal/Hour pace for next week

    – Will be Retested Week 8 of this training cycle

    – Settle into a pace that will allow minimal drop off

    from round to round, leaving a kick at the end

    Extra Credit (No Measure)

    3 Sets for Quality

    0:30 Hanging L-Sit Hold on Bar

    12-15 Standing Overhead Banded Tricep Extension

    0:30 Ring Support