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CrossFit – Tue, Mar 12

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    Dynamic Warm Up

    12 Sampson Stretches

    3/3 Wall Thoracic Rotations

    20 Band Pull Aparts

    12 Squat to Stand

    3/3 Wall Thoracic Rotations

    20 Band Passovers

    12 Banded Overhead Press

    3/3 Wall Thoracic Rotations

    20 Easy Jump Squats

    Gymnastics (3 Rounds for reps)

    3 Sets for Quality

    ‘X’ Pulling Movement [-3 RIR]

    [0:30 Rest]

    25 High Banded Pull Downs

    [0:30 Rest]

    0:30-45 Hollow Hold [Can Add Weight]

    0:30 Scap Swimmers


    Beginners – Chin Over Bar Hold or


    Intermediate – Pull Ups, Banded, Kipping

    Advanced – Chest To Bar

    **All athletes ensure you are leaving reps in reserve, moving with intention. Take longer rest if needed

    WOD (Time)

    6 Rounds Each w/Partner


    Clean and Jerk

    Lateral Burpee Over Bar

    Athlete A completes 9 Clean and Jerks, 9 Burpees Over Bar

    6 Clean and Jerks, 6 Burpees Over Bar, 3 Clean and Jerks, 3 Burpees Over

    Bar, then rests until Athlete B has completed the same sequence

    Start Barbell at 55/75lbs

    and Increase every completed set by both athletes

    RX + = 85/115 – 95/135 – 105/155