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CrossFit – Tue, Sep 3

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    0:20 Work / 0:10 Rest x 12

    Share Rings, start on different station

    Ring Support

    Inch Worms

    Cossack Squat

    Band Pull Aparts

    Bench Press

    Close Grip Bench

    Build to Heavy Single

    WOD (AMRAP – Rounds)

    Every 1:30 x 12 [18:00]

    1] 8/12 Cal Row [Sprint Pace]

    2] 8-10 Burpees to Bar [Sprint Pace]

    – This is a Deload on volume, however we should be focusing on the movement speed being fast

    and consistent across all sets

    – Reduce volume if needed to walk away with minimum soreness

    Extra Credit (No Measure)

    3 Sets

    10-12 Kipping Ring Dips

    [Rest 1:00]

    15′ Lateral Handstand Walk / Direction

    [Rest 1:00]