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CrossFit – Wed, Aug 28

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)

    Snatch Complex (Weight)

    7:00 Warm Up

    Every 3:00 x 3

    2 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts

    2 Hang Squat Snatch

    2 Hang Snatch Pulls

    Tough Each Set

    Small jumps in weight, final complex 9/10 RPE – No Misses

    WOD (6 Rounds for time)

    Every 3:00 x 3

    5/8 Cal Bike

    12 Power Snatches

    35 Double Unders

    Every 3:00 x 3

    5/8 Cal Bike

    15 Wallballs

    35 Double Unders

    This should be a HARD effort on each interval

    Pair up with someone and 1 Partner start at 1:00

    The Aim is to keep the rounds under 1:45

    RX+ – Echo Bike, 55/75lbs

    14/20 Wallball

    Extra Credit (Weight)

    2 Sets

    1.1.1 Weighted Ring Dip


    Weighted Ring Support

    [Rest 3:30]