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CrossFit – Wed, Dec 27

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Gymnastics (AMRAP – Reps)

    Every 1:00 Alternating x [16:00]

    1] Max Unbroken Strict Pull Up @ Minimal Assistance

    2] 0:45-1:00 Hollow Hold

    3] 4-6 Bar Muscle Ups or 8-12 Beat Swings + 10 Double DB Rows AHAP

    4] Rest

    @ 16:00 – 20:00

    Accumulate 60 V-Ups for Quality


    60 GHD Sit Ups [Alt w/Partner]
    **Score is Number of Strict Pull ups Across 4 Rounds

    WOD (Time)

    5 Rounds for Time [8:00 Cap]

    10 Hang Power Snatch

    10 Burpee to Bar

    **Comp 65/95lbs
    Reminder – RX is NOT Comp, RX is intended Stimulus, choose weight today you can go Unbroken with on the Hang Power Snatch and Pull Up Bar touch should be 6″ above max reach