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CrossFit – Wed, Feb 28

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)

    Shoulder Press

    Every 1:00 x 9

    3 Reps for Speed

    [Reset on Shoulders Each rep]

    Barbell Should be at Max – 60%

    WOD (Weight)

    EMOM x 20

    1] 10 Hang Power Cleans +

    10 Toes To Bar

    2] 0:40 Moderate Bike

    3] 10 Front Squats +

    5 Wall Walks

    4] 0:40 Moderate Bike
    Aim today is to use a barbell that you can go unbroken with every round. If you are doing the Open, Stay light for Friday. If not, make barbell tough but still unbroken