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CrossFit – Wed, Jul 31

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)

    Back Squat (Weight)

    10 Reps [60%]

    8 Reps [65%]

    6 Reps [70%]

    6 Reps [75%]

    6 Reps [80%]

    [Rest as needed]

    – Score for 80%, Stick to the %

    WOD (Time)

    Using the same machine as last Tuesday if possible

    6-10 Sets

    12/15 Cal Row

    15 Burpees To 6″

    [Rest 1:00 Between Sets]

    – The aim this week if to increase the pace on the machine by 50-100cals/hr faster and 3-4 Seconds faster per set of burpees

    – AKA, You now have built in rest, so move faster

    – If you finished the workout last week – aim for 8 to 10 sets, if not, cap at 6-7

    Extra Credit (No Measure)

    2 Sets

    5 x 3 Point Patrick Steps per side

    [Rest as needed]

    0:15-0:30 Single Leg Foam Roller Glute Bridge

    [Rest as needed]