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CrossFit – Wed, Oct 25


    During the changeover, please don’t forget to update your billing info in the app or on the website – New Contracts will be sent [all with the same terms] within the next two days. If you don’t receive one, let a coach know or email

    Thanks everyone for your patience


    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    Coaches Choice

    Push Press (5 x 3 Building to 3RM)

    [Rest 1:30-2:00 between sets]

    EMOM Until ‘X’ Wallballs (Time)


    EMOM until 100 Wallballs

    1] 2 Wall Walks + 8 Thrusters [55/75]

    2] Max Wallballs [14/20]

    3] Rest


    EMOM until 150 Wallballs

    1] 4 Wall Walks + 8 Thrusters [80/115]

    2] Max Wallballs [14/20]

    3] Rest

    Upper Accessory (Checkmark)

    2-3 Sets

    Prone Banded Tricep Extension until Failure
    Note Band Used and Reps