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CrossFit – Wed, Sep 4

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)

    Thruster (Weight)

    Build to Heavy Single Thruster for Day

    – Take bar from Ground

    – Compare to 24th July

    WOD (AMRAP – Rounds)

    25:00 EMOM

    1] 12-15 Thrusters

    2] 25-50 Double Unders

    3] 12-15 Deadlifts

    4] 15 DB Front Rack Lunges

    5] 0:30 Ski at Hard Effort

    – Compare to 24th July

    [which had less reps]

    RX+ = 65/95lbs, 155/225lbs, 35/50lbs

    – Volume build day once a week on commonly tested CrossFit Movements

    – Pick a rep range and weight that will allow you to move with speed through the whole EMOM and maintain unbroken sets with little to no drop off in speed and intensity